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Distance learning for working professionals - Duration: 1 year (optional 2 years)

Fulfill your desire for a prestigious international Bachelor’s degree from the renowned, state-recognized London Metropolitan University in a work-accompanying manner, without having to give up your home base – with the flexible distance learning programme “Bachelor of Science Applied Psychology”.

Take the next career step in the health sector

      • Degree: Bachelor of Science (Top-Up) (B.Sc.) 
      • Duration: Only 1 year to complete the programme

Course content and benefits

      • Practical and well-founded: Acquire practical knowledge in Applied Psychology
      • Flexibility: 100% online – study flexibly from anywhere in the world
      • Admission: Work experience and/or sufficient ECTS from a completed or discontinued degree programme

Make your choice now and save

      • Tuition fee: Instead of €11,850.24  now only €9,793.32 (VAT-exempt)
      • Payment by instalments: €816.11 x 12 months possible
      • Study on trial: Study free of charge for 28 days

Show your internationality. 

Register today and start your journey to a recognized Master of Science.

Full scholarship worth €9,793.32

Study on Trial for 28 days

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What else is important...

Our graduates

AIHE Academic Institute for Higher Education

Video testimonials from graduates



Conducting the entire distance learning programme, including student support, through the accredited AIHE Academic Institute Germany.

Enrollment and degree awarding by the state-recognized London Metropolitan University.

Start of studies

WS 01.09.*

SS 01.02.*

*Access to the learning platform, in order to be able to work ahead if you are interested, is possible immediately after signing the contract.

Scope / Place allocation


12 – 25 working hours per week, depending on previous knowledge

60 ECTS.

You will bring 120 ECTS with you through already acquired academic ECTS or professional experience + entrance examination.

The selection process is based on the order in which applications are received, taking into account qualitative criteria and the outcome of the entry test (for those without first degree).

Admission Requirements

First degree from a recognised German or comparable other foreign university


at least 3 years of working experience or training in a field relevant to the course of study


120 ECTS from a discontinued study programme


30 ECTS from unfinished studies plus 2 years of professional experience


a large number of further education courses in a field relevant to the field of study

In addition, the following additional specializations are welcome: knowledge in the field of psychology, (e.g. social psychology, business psychology), leadership, coaching, systemic counselling, conversation skills.

All interested persons who do not hold a first academic degree will take a written admission test (answering questions in writing) for this purpose. For more information, please contact us by email or phone.

Title after Brexit

Until an agreement is reached between the EU and the UK, the city of the university awarding the title should be named to be on the safe side.

Our recommendation:

Max Mustermann (BSc London)
Max Mustermann (BSc) London

Academic Degree

Bachelor of Science (Hons)/, short: BSc (Hons) Applied Psychology (Top-Up)

A Top-Up Bachelor is designed for people who have completed professional training and want to raise their professional experience to an academic level. The Top-Up programme lasts 2 semesters and includes the most essential scientific-academic aspects necessary for a bachelor’s degree

Recognition and Certification


The London Metropolitan University is rated H+ on ANABIN and is therefore recognized (accredited, certified, etc.) in a significant way.

This bachelor’s programme is approved by the “Zentralstelle für Fernunterricht” (ZFU) in Germany with the registration number: 1118421.

Reported to the Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur Schleswig Holstein.

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Training focus of the
Bachelor programme

The content of the one-year bachelor programme is based on the following six focal points:

Foundations of Scientific Work in Psychology

  • Basics of scientific work
  • Critical evaluation
  • Introduction to Applied Psychology

Psychology of Individual Differences

  • Personality theories
  • Intelligence theories 
  • Psychological assessment

The Brain, Cognition & Development

  • Introduction to Biopsychology
  • Cognitive Psychology and development of cognitive abilities
  • Psychology of addiction

Social Interaction, Culture & Mindfulness

  • Foundations of Social Psychology
  • Foundations of Cultural Psychology
  • Psychology of mindfulness

Business & Organisational Psychology

  • Introduction to Personnel Psychology
  • Introduction to Organisational Psychology
  • Personnel development and trainings

Forensic & Clinical Psychology

  • Foundations of Forensic Psychology
  • Introduction to Clinical Psychology
  • Relationship of mental health and crime

Bachelor´s Dissertation

  • Written bachelor´s dissertation
  • Recorded presentation

Study programme in detail


Knowledge-sharing of the necessary psychological knowledge to enable comprehensive understanding and strategic orientation towards tasks within the individual’s own professional activities, as well as acquiring current and practice-oriented specialist knowledge and transferring it to relevant questions of professional practice.


Holistic specialized knowledge of basic and applied psychological subjects as well as important related disciplines – Methodological competencies. Scientifically founded knowledge for practical and effective use in everyday (professional) life – Targeted promotion of independent further education and development through focus topics on various psychological applied subjects with a focus on practice.


Dealing with current research and applied issues. Learn in the distance learning programme Applied Psychology how to use your psychological expertise in interpersonal private and professional situations and processes. While traditional psychology studies are heavily empirical, the focus here is on practical application. Applied psychology can be used in business, healthcare, media or communications and is gaining attention every day.


The bachelor’s degree programme is aimed at people starting their careers in the fields of social work, business and management, as well as anyone who wants to build up and expand their knowledge for the future and at the same time give their profession a scientific foundation.

Our target group

Student Dropouts

Field of study not relevant

Experienced Professionals


Medical assistant

Policemen / Policewomen


Project managers

Human resources managers


and many more


in higher numbers from departments that are conducive to the programme of study.


  • Communication
  • Psychology
  • Social Work
  • Nursing
  • Management
  • Training
  • Leadership
  • Intercultural Management
  • Therapy

and many more

Learning concept of the Distance Learning Programme


The learning concept of the BSc (Top-Up) Applied Psychology course is characterised by a high level of relevance to evidence-based content as well as innovative teaching and learning methods. The design as a pure distance learning course means optimal orientation to the needs of the target group.

The combination of guided self-study, individual student support and e-learning units offers students the possibility of learning independent of time and place, oriented to their own professional requirements and needs.

The use of modern e-learning modules guarantees students interactive learning as well as clear presentation and discussion of abstract content. Interactive Online-Seminars and discussions in virtual space promote the integration of theoretical principles and methods into professional practice. The use of a Virtual Tutorium in the form of an online learning platform enables flexible and network-like knowledge transfer, which can be optimally varied and adapted according to individual learning needs and progress.

The availabilty of recordings as well as all learning material in electronic form facilitates knowledge management and asynchronous learning for students in a learning group with different professional conditions and open space. In addition, this means easier documentation and repetition of course content, independent of time and place.

Overview of the Teaching Concept

Would you like to apply?

The application for admission to our bachelor´s degree (Top-Up) programme takes place in three steps.

Submit your application

Apply electronically using the application form. But before you do so, please take your time to read through the information on distance learning and estimate whether you can and want to invest approx. 12 – 25 hours a week. There will be exciting and relaxing phases, but also phases that are temporarily exhausting. Think about your personal motivation. You should be able to formulate it very clearly for yourself.


Upon receipt of your application documents, we, the AIHE, review them and send recommendations for admission to the London Metropolitan University. They will decide if and who will be admitted and inform us of their decision. We will then send you the London Metropolitan University’s decision.

Conclusion of contract

As soon as you have received an admission letter, you can conclude the student contract with us. Study places will be allocated according to the order in which applications are received after confirmation of admission. As soon as you have signed the study contract and sent it to us and a study place (limited to 50 places) is available, you will receive the signed contract back. Now your place is secured. 

University Partner

This course is carried out in partnership with London Metropolitan University.

London Metropolitan University:

Study at one of the UK’s most
famoues universities in great Britain

London Metropolitan University’s long, rich history starts in 1848 when the Bishop of London and the Reverend Charles Mackenzie established The Metropolitan Evening Classes for Young Men. 1851 Prince Albert is so impressed with the classes that an annual celebration of the students’ work is held under his patronage. 

Over the past 100 years, the north London campus has developed into a modern, progressive centre with a strong reputation for widening access into education.

The alumni of London Metropolitan University include Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, comedian Vic Reeves, singer Sinead O’Connor, actor Noel Clarke and Cobra Beer founder Lord Bilimoria.