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Bachelor's and Master's 100%-ONLINE COURSES,
duration 1-2 years.

At top international universities.

Study work-accompanying

Distance learning programmes

Duration: 1 year

23 distance learning programmes. Duration 1 year.

Fulfill your desire for a prestigious international Master’s degree, without having to give up your home base – with the flexible distance learning programme.

Take the next career step in the health sector

  • Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.) at Level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF)
  • Doctorate: Eligible for doctoral studies (depending on the university’s doctoral regulations)
  • Duration: Only 1 year to complete the programme (possible in 2 – 4 years as well)
  • Enrollment at and degree awarded by the partner university
  • Complete implementation, teaching, student support provided by us.

Course content and benefits

  • Work-accompanying online programme. 100% online – study flexibly from anywhere in the world
  • For students who wish to study independently and self-determined, free of compulsory dates
  • Admission: Generally requires a prior degree. In exceptional cases, however, admission is possible without a bachelor’s/first degree
  • Student average age: 42 years

Make your choice now and save

  • Tuition fee: Instead of €11,850.24  now only €9,793.32 (VAT-exempt)
  • Payment by instalments: €816.11 x 12 months possible
  • Study on trial: Study free of charge for 28 days

Show your internationality with a London degree. Register today and start your journey to a recognized Master of Science. 

For example:

  • Psychological Medicine and Mental Health MSc
  • Clinical Psychology MSc
  • Behavioural and Organizational Psychology MSc
  • Body psychology and body psychotherapy MSc
  • Sport psychology and body psychology MSc
  • or one of our many other degree programmes (see menu).

The Academic Institute for Higher Education GmbH (AIHE) runs distance learning courses on behalf and under monitoring of officially recognized London Metropolitan University and University of East London.

  • Registered with the partner universities 

Prof. Dr. Schulz von Thun former Federal Education Minister and Minister-President Björn Engholm and economic expert Dr. Mildner support us in an advisory capacity and as cooperation partners.  


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Bachelor’s distance learning courses

Master’s distance learning courses

What makes AIHE so special?

Teaching approach

Our teaching approach is based on the professional connection between science and practice, and thus focuses on application orientation. This means that students can observe in their daily work which theories, phenomena, concepts and models already exist and act without conscious knowledge, and they can act more consciously, based on a plan and a scientific basis.

As AIHE students are very experienced individuals, we as AIHE employees also learn from the experiences of our students every single day.

Study on Trial for 28 days

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On average 10 - 20
hours per week
Semester (2-3)
Experts in the team